
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Weekend in Review

Weekend in Review

My daughter's team played their last game of the season this Saturday.  I am so proud of her and all of her accomplishments.  She has improved so much this season and had fun doing it too.  The girls all got along very well and were very supportive to each other.  Her coaches were so great this year.  I think all of the girls had fun and learned a lot from them.  Here's hoping we are all back together next year.

This weekend my family and I were on the hunt for the Great Pumpkin himself. 

Our hunt took us to a small pumpkin patch near our house.
We received an anonymous tip that the Great Pumpkin would show up here today

So I made sure to put my best two hunters on the case to find him.
I have to say there for a while I didn't think we were going to be able to find him.
But he wasn't any match to my two hunters who easily found him amongst his fellow pumpkins.

They grabbed him and took him to the nearest cashier

After paying his finder fee, my hunters gathered him up and headed to the car.

Then it was on to the next case for my two hunters.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Carrie, all those pumkins. We don't have Halloween here, but it's slowly catching on. Sounds like a really fun day xoxoxoxo
